Tagua Nut Rings

Ewing and Wragg LTD ta Pretty Pink Eco-Jewellery

Each ring is unique because they are hand-carved from tagua nuts. These rings have been polished and you can see the natural marks like the veins of the nut, really showing as well as the brown husk. A very lightweight piece of jewellery that will last you for a long time.
Each ring is uniquely carved which have sculptural natural irregularities, both in colour and form. Each piece is truly one of a kind.
Amongst the range you will find rings that have patterns from the natural nut, that is result of polishing, different cuts and shapes, such as abstract and square and also exploring the natural curves of the nut.

Materials Description

The colourful and unique designs of Pretty Pink Eco-Jewellery come from a material that is neither a vegetable nor ivory, but you wouldn't know it by its name. Vegetable Ivory, or Tagua, is the dried seed from a large, fruited palm tree that is native to Brazil and the tropical rainforests of South America.

It can take forty years for these trees to produce their fruit, making the seeds inside them all the more precious. Each fruit contains between four and nine seeds ranging from the size of an olive to an avocado. The seed's cavity contains a refreshing liquid that, if harvested within six months, turns to a sweet, edible liquid. If left, however, this jelly turns into a hard, white substance similar to that of elephant tusks or animal teeth.

Precious as these seeds are, at Pretty Pink Eco-Jewellery, our ecosystem comes first. That's why the first crop of fruit is left for the "curicas", the birds of the Amazon rainforest. Only after two years is the fruit collected by hand from the forest floor.

Once collected, the seeds are removed from their husks and left to dry in the sun for about three months. Only then is Vegetable Ivory hard enough to be carved, sliced and drilled - much like real ivory - and capable of holding the colourful dyes that make our jewellery so unique. Unlike real ivory, however, Vegetable Ivory is a renewable resource that does not harm our animals or our planet when harvested.

How Vegetable Ivory Saves the Rainforest from Palm Oil Developers
At Pretty Pink Eco-Jewellery, we believe in taking care of our planet and our people. Recent research from Brazil found that the cultivation and harvesting of Vegetable Ivory within the Greater Amazonia region prevents loggers from chopping down trees to plant soya for biofuels - and keeps some 35,000 people gainfully employed.

Product Launched 15/01/2023

Category: Fashion Accessories & Jewellery

Natural rings made from Tagua Nut also known as Vegetable Ivory, designed in the UK and ethically handmade in Colombia by a small community of artesans.
RRP: £20.00

For Trade Enquiries Only please contact:

Mrs Ilana Ewing
Ewing and Wragg LTD ta Pretty Pink Eco-Jewellery
Tel: 07476898588
E: hello@prettypinkjewellery.com

Amalia Wragg
Ewing and Wragg LTD
Tel: 07476898588
E: hello@prettypinkjewellery.com

Product Dimensions

Width = 30mm

Depth = 30mm

Height = 3mm

15Pieces in the range

Designed in the UK